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An example


from pyparam import commands
# default global options proxy name '_'      = 'auto' = [
	'The shell, one of bash, fish, zsh and auto.',
	'Shell will be detected from `os.environ["SHELL"]` if auto.',
]      = False = [
	'Automatically write completions to destination file.',
	'Bash: `~/bash_completion.d/<name>.bash-completion`',
	'  Also try to source it in ~/.bash_completion',
	'Fish: `~/.config/fish/completions/<name>.fish`',
	'Zsh:  `~/.zfunc/_<name>`',
	'  `fpath+=~/.zfunc` is ensured to add before `compinit`'
commands._.a         =
commands._.s         =
# description for the command
commands.self        = 'Generate completions for myself.'
# we don't have any required options for command 'self'
commands.self._hbald = False
commands.generate    = 'Generate completions from configuration files'
# define an option for command 'generate'
commands.generate.config.desc = [
	'The configuration file. Scheme should be aligned following json data:',
	'	"program": {',
	'		"name": "program",',
	'		"desc": "A program",',
	'		"options": {',
	'			"-o": "Output file",',
	'			"--output": "Long version of -o"',
	'		}',
	'	},',
	'	"commands": {',
	'		"list": {',
	'			"desc": "List commands",',
	'			"options": {',
	'				"-a": "List all commands",',
	'				"--all": "List all commands"',
	'			}',
	'		}',
	'	}',
	'Configuration file that is supported by `python-simpleconf` is supported.'
commands.generate.config.required = True
# alias
commands.generate.c = commands.generate.config
command, options, goptions = commands._parse()
print(command, options, goptions)


> python examples/ generate -sfish -a -c some.json
('generate',  # command
 {'config': 'some.json', 'c': 'some.json',
  'shell': 'fish', 'auto': True, 'a': True, 's': 'fish'}, # command options
 {'h': False, 'help': False, 'H': False, 'shell': 'fish',
  'auto': True, 'a': True, 's': 'fish'} # global options

Inheritage of global options

As you may see from the results, the parameters from global options are inherited in the command options. This allows the users to pass the global options after the command:

python examples/ self --shell fish --auto
However, you may turn this off commands._inherit = False, then the only way to pass the global options is to put them before the command:
python examples/ --shell fish --auto self